Friday, April 5, 2019

25A) What's Next

Existing Market

I think that the next step after I start my housekeeping service is to create a brand around it, some type of moat that calls the attention of prospective customers and makes me stand out among other similar services. It is very important that my company and my logo is present all the time in the areas that I will be targeting (sort of advertising). I need students to be aware of the service my company offers and that EZTime is the first name that comes to their mind when they are struggling with chores at home. With this, will come an expansion to towns with similar conditions. Non-metropolitan and a student-based population.
I took the feedback as constructive criticism, since I did not notice some of the things that my interviewees told me. For example, of them (a person that is willing to use the service) told me that it is a great idea to think about establishing a brand, but he doesn’t think that it will be easy or quick for me to expand to other towns because of cultural differences and because (as he made me realized) I have not done any research about those markets. The second person shared similar insights.
 In the other hand, the only girl I interviewed is not willing to use my service, even though she has the characteristics of my market segment. I guess that the only fact that puts her apart is that she is economically independent from her parents (she is 19). She thought that the business was a great idea in paper, but that students are not willing to spend money to clean the apartment. It made me realize that I need to create a marketing campaign where I illustrate that the benefits of using EZTime are not just a clean floor, but harmony in the apartment.

New Market

I am currently targeting students living in apartment complexes; therefore, a radically different market would be office buildings. The differences are obvious, students are mostly economically dependent, don’t spend at much time at home, and they don’t really care about cleanliness. In the other hand, in office buildings people spend most of the time in there, it is where they make money and sometimes they receive clients in person (so they have to keep a clean appearance).
After talking to a small law firm and a dentist office I got to learn that it is a very competitive market. They said that they loved the idea of my cost-efficient structure to target students in Gainesville, but it doesn’t work the same with office. I was told that to be able to target offices I had to adjust the structure, especially because schedules and load of work. I told them about how I was planning to add a mobile car-wash, which idea they loved because while the car is in the parking garage it could be wash and workers wouldn’t even have to waste their time taking to the place to be washed.

In general, I learned many things. For example, students are a very challenging market, even when you have a well thought, well-structured idea, It is not a very competitive market right now for a reason and it is the risk and low profit margins. In the case of targeting offices, the first problem is the competition in the market and the difference in schedules and reasons why the would request a cleaning service.


  1. I think your opportunity for a new market would be apartment complex’s is very current because apartment complex’s have cleaning people but not for coming and ding your chores. I think a really great opportunity would be providing service for a party company that has house parties because there are think such as throw up, glass, and spills of all sorts usually at a house party. That would be an interesting niche.

  2. Hi Enrique,

    As a student constantly on a tight budget I would say that the hardest thing would be convincing me that it is more valuable for me to pay someone to do my chores for me rather than doing them myself. I would also say that I would have a lot of concerns about security having a strange in my home.
