Wednesday, March 27, 2019

21A Reading Reflection 2

“The Art of Social Media” by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

1. This book, as the title suggests, talks about how to master the art of social media, especially in such an evolving environment like today’s world. The main author is Mr. Kawasaki, who wrote the entire book, but partnered with Ms. Fitzpatrick to include some of her ideas, analyses, and advices. At the beginning of the book he explains that they decided that only one of them would be in charge of actually writing the book to avoid any difference of styles. The book is divided in 12 chapters, 11 of them dedicated to a different aspect of social media, and the last one is a conclusion that puts everything together. After reading the book you would have a better understanding of how Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. work and what are their differences. Also, it will teach you how to behave online, and how to get the best out of all these platforms.

2. In this class we learn how to find an unmet need, and more importantly, how to find a solution to it. Well, in order to do that, we need to communicate with the world around us, either to find that need, or to deliver the solution. I think this book teaches you what is the best way to approach people over the different online platforms, and how to reach more prospects.

3. I would say that it is hard to design an exercise about social media in Principle of Entrepreneurship, I think that it would be part of a more specialized class. A simple exercise I would do is to tell students to find a “social media guru” and analyze and summarize what that person have done in a given period of time. It would be something like recognizing and criticizing strategies and behaviors. Probably compare the results with other authors.

4. The topic of the book was pretty much new to me, I have used social media before, but never for a business matter. In the book he explains how to promote events, how to debate online, and what are the strategies to use on the different platforms. The was something that I always wondered how people do it, and it was to add so many tags, hashtags, and so forth in every post. Moreover, I never understood how some authors can be present in all social medias at the same time, being up-to-date, and actively posting. Turns out that there are multiple apps out there that help you link your different accounts, schedule posts, and automatically add hashtags. That was mind-blowing for me.


  1. Hi Enrique,
    I found your second reading reflection really interesting as social media definitely plays a major role in our society today and influences many aspects of entrepreneurship. I really like how the book explains the best ways to use different forms of social media to improve your business or company. Great reflection and analysis of both of the authors' messages!

  2. Hi Enrique,
    Great job on your second reading reflection. Although I did a different book, mine also discussed social media and how it plays a role in marketing and entrepreneurship. Like Julia said, I thought it was interesting how the book analyzed various social media platforms, which could be very useful for someone looking to focus on one platform or many. Good job!

  3. I really thought your book summary was very interesting and well done. I liked the part where you stated, “In the book he explains how to promote events, how to debate online, and what are the strategies to use on the different platforms.” I thought this was such an interesting aspect because at the Kevin O’Leary speaker thing for UF accent, he said that companies hire people to write bad reviews about another company online which can decrease its value. I agree it is important that people are aware of how to use the internet to the best of their ability in the age of technology.

  4. Hey Enrique,

    You did a great job analyzing this book and made me want to read it. Social media influence is so important today and can really help grow a business quick. I think reading this book would really help any entrepreneur trying to grow their success.
