Friday, March 15, 2019

17A) Elevator Pitch 2

Link: Elevator Pitch

Well, to be honest I did not receive that much feedback for my elevator pitch, actually only one. I can say that it helped me to better shape this new elevator pitch. She was straight forward and mentioned that I needed to more specific, and that I should talk about what my service will offer to those who pay for it. I think she is right that is one of the things I improved from my previous pitch.

The feedback that I received was really useful. I was suggested to add more details about what is included in the service. In this case, I added to the elevator pitch that as part of the benefits will be included periodic cleaning of the floors and carpets, washing the dishes, plus any specific request from the customers will be considered.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Enrique, you are not alone in the lack of feedback you recieved as I found myself in virtually the same situation. To compensate for this, I asked two close friends who live near me to watch the video in person and critique my weaknesses. This helped a lot as I became much more comfortble after knowing why my video did not feel complete. I was able to use a prop in my video, maybe you could have a broom or something to keep your hands busy. I think you definitely improved on your first elevator pitch and I think you've done better job in streamlining your message on what your cleaning service can offer.
